This is where I will be putting the software I make. Currently, I have three: pySignature, GetMessages and FTPBackup. Also, I have here temporary the quotes I'll be putting online.
pySignature is a program that generates random signatures based on a base signature and a list of quotes or fortunes.
GetMessages gets messages from a Unix Mailbox. This is most useful for Play By Email players who want to have all the posted messages in one big file.
FTPBackup backs up an FTP directory in the local machine.
The Mozilla Search Plug-ins is the place where I'll be putting all the search plug-ins I developed over time.
Quotes are, well, quotes from different places that I have permission to put. Right now, I am hosting the It's Walky! quotes.
Dir Blitz deletes all the files in a directory, while leaving the folder structure intact.