Creative Writing



Creative Writing

My name is Andres Rosado. I was born in September, 1980 in San German. I went from kindergarden until second grade to the Henry W. Longfellow school. I spent my third and fourth grade at the Academia Sangermena and from fifth grade until ninth grade at the Minillas school. I studied at the Lola Rodriguez de Tio high school, where I had one of the highest GPA in my class. Currently I'm finishing my engineering degree at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez.

Life for me is just a big mess of unrelated experiences that need to be relate. Connecting the experiences gives me a broader view of life and my goals. I try to live one day at the time, not betting everything to a long term goal, but persuing several short term goals. I can handle better a small setback than having to start from scratch.

As I said, I don't like to make long term plans. I hope that, ten years from now, I'd be married and maybe with my 2-year-old kid. Quite possibly I will be working in a company developing either software or electronics. But almost everything else are just fuzzy details right now. I'll have to wait until then to see where Life takes me.

By the way, I'm using this webpage as a reference to write my autobiography.